Complete Guide to Natural Pool Aruba

Exploring the Natural Pool in Aruba is one of the most exhilarating activities on the island. And the actual journey to the pool is equally exciting! The Natural Pool, also known as “Conchi,” is formed by a unique rock formation that creates a bowl-like pool in the ocean. It’s naturally filled with ocean water, but shielded by towering rock walls on each side, so the ocean’s powerful waves are blocked.

The Natural Pool is found within the Arikok National Park and it’s only accessible by hiking through the park, or by 4×4 vehicle. As seasoned travelers to Aruba, we have visited the Natural Pool numerous times and spent extensive time in Arikok National Park during each of our trips to the island. Yet each time we go, it’s like a whole new adventure.

If you’re interested in exploring the Natural Pool, our complete guide covers everything you need to know about how to get there and what to expect during and after your journey. Keep reading to learn more!

10 Best Aruba Jeep Tours
15 Expert Tips for Aruba
37 Awesome Things To Do in Aruba

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What is Natural Pool Aruba?

Conchi Aruba

The Natural Pool in Aruba is a secluded swimming hole situated on the north coast of the island. It’s formed by a ring of volcanic rock that creates a near-perfect bowl shape right in the ocean, along the edge of the island.

This volcanic bowl is filled with ocean water, creating the “pool.” The pool allows visitors to swim in an otherwise dangerous part of the ocean while being shielded from its harsh waves by the protective walls of rock. Many visitors also snorkel in the pool or climb its walls and cliff jump into the water.

Where is Natural Pool Aruba?

Conchi Natural Pool Aruba

The Natural Pool is situated within the Arikok National Park, which covers nearly 20% of Aruba’s north coast. The park is stunning, with rugged landscapes featuring sandy dunes, rocky shorelines, and cacti scattered throughout the area. Even if you’re not planning to go to the Natural Pool, visiting Arikok National Park is one of the best things to do in Aruba.

Because of its remote location, the Natural Pool is not easy to get to. It has no formal address and no straightforward path leading to it. It’s also deep within the park, requiring you to drive over several miles of rugged volcanic terrain. A 4×4 vehicle is essential. Unless you’re an extremely skilled driver with off-roading experience, we recommend joining a jeep tour.

How to Get to Natural Pool Aruba by 4×4

Arikok National Park Visitors Center

Entering Arikok National Park

To get to the Natural Pool, you’ll need to purchase a day pass for Arikok National Park. At the time of this post, the park is open daily from 8.00 AM – 4.00 PM, and passes cost 11 USD per person. You can purchase a pass at the Visitor Center, which is located at San Fuego 71 in Santa Cruz.

You’ll need to park your vehicle at the Visitor Center and go inside to purchase the pass. Be sure to pick up a park map while you’re inside! Each person in your party will be given a wristband to show that you’ve paid, and then you’ll return to your vehicle and drive into the park. A park ranger will notate your license plate number and confirm that everyone in the vehicle has paid before you can enter. If you’re with a tour group, your pass may already be included.

Navigating to the Natural Pool

As soon as you drive into the park, immediately past the park ranger who just checked your wristband, you’ll be presented with two different routes. The road going left leads to the Natural Pool. The road going right leads to everything else in the park.

Arikok National Park Ranger Booth

To reach the Natural Pool, go left and follow the signs that direct you toward “Conchi” or “Natural Pool.” The road is paved at first, but will soon turn into volcanic rock. Along the way, you’ll pass Dos Playa, a beautiful double beach. When you see this landmark, you’ll know you’re on the right track.

As you near the coast, the terrain becomes more and more rugged. You will pass a sign that reads “4×4 Vehicles Only.” Don’t even think about going beyond this point in a regular vehicle. We promise you won’t make it far. After this sign, the road quickly becomes nonexistent.

The road of volcanic rock leading to the Natural Pool is difficult to navigate. It’s similar to hiking an unused trail, it’s just hard to know if you’re staying on the actual path. Fortunately, you can use the ocean to keep you on track. When in doubt, drive towards the ocean. Eventually, you will see other vehicles parked in a large flat area. This is the parking area for the Natural Pool, so drive towards it however you can.

Aruba Jeep Tour Through Arikok National Park

The drive can take as little as 30 minutes or as much as 2 hours, depending on how fast you go. But on average, it takes about an hour. It’s only a few miles in distance, it’s just impossible to go fast on the terrain.

The terrain was shaped millions of years ago by volcanic activity from the Sero Arikok Volcano. At the time, this region was underwater, so the hot lava from the eruptions cooled rapidly when it hit the seawater, creating a rugged, coral-like landscape with sharp edges and peaks.

Parking at the Natural Pool

When you spot the designated parking area near the coast, continue towards it. It’s fairly obvious because it’s the only flat piece of land in sight. It’s a simple dirt lot, and you’ll likely see other vehicles parked there already.

💣 Antisocial Tourist Tip — There is another path you can navigate in your 4×4 that will take you closer to the pool, eliminating the short hike needed to get there from the upper parking lot. We don’t recommend doing this though. The route to the lower parking area is even more difficult to identify than the route you’re already on. Unless you’ve been there before, or you’re with an experienced guide, just stick with the main parking area.

What to Expect at the Natural Pool Aruba

The main parking area sits higher than the pool, so you’ll need to take a short hike down to the water. This involves climbing down about 90 steps that have been carved into the rock. They’re easy to get down but can be a little challenging to come back up. The rock is uneven and can be sharp, so be sure to wear sturdy shoes or thick water shoes.

Where is Natural Pool Aruba

As you descend, you’ll notice that the Natural Pool is partially hidden behind a large rock wall. This is part of the bowl-shaped barrier that protects the pool from the crashing ocean waves. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, you’ll need to walk just a bit further, over a sandy flat area, to reach the pool.

Path From Parking Lot to Natural Pool Aruba

To access the pool, you’ll need to climb over and around the rocks. This can be a bit challenging, especially when the rocks are wet and slippery. Water shoes with a firm grip are strongly recommended for navigating this section. If you bring any belongings that you don’t want to swim with, you can leave them on the rocks, within sight. You’ll notice plenty of others doing this too.

Natural Pool Aruba Entrance

Once you’ve climbed around the rock wall, you’ll find yourself at the edge of the Natural Pool. The water is usually calm, thanks to the protection from the rock wall, but always be mindful of the tides and weather conditions. You can jump in the pool right away or hang out along the rocks on the edge. Inside the pool, you can swim, snorkel, and climb the rock wall to cliff jump into the water.

Climbing Into Natural Pool Aruba

There have been some accidents and even fatalities at the Natural Pool over the years because of the slippery rocks and unpredictable waves. In response to these incidents, Arikok National Park usually stations a park ranger at the Natural Pool during visiting hours.

Is it Safe to Swim at Natural Pool Aruba

The park ranger’s role is to assist tourists in and out of the water, provide safety information, and respond to any emergencies that may arise. It’s a huge peace of mind having this person there, but please do not rely on them. We have been there several times during visiting hours, and there was no park ranger present.

How to Hike to Natural Pool Aruba

We’ve visited the Natural Pool numerous times, but never on foot. Hiking in the hot Aruban sun isn’t exactly our idea of fun. It’s a long and strenuous hike through an unshaded, desert-like landscape. We much prefer the thrill of an off-road adventure to get there! However, if you’re determined to hike to the pool, there are several routes to choose from.

No matter which route you choose though, hiking in Aruba is not to be taken lightly. Aruba sits near the equator, so the sun is much stronger than you might be used to. With the trade winds constantly blowing, you may not even notice you’re overheating. For a successful hike, start early in the morning to avoid the midday heat. Be sure to wear proper footwear and bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat, and a small first aid kit for cuts and scrapes.

Hiking Over Rocks Arikok National Park Aruba
Option 1: Visitor Center Trail

The most popular trail starts at the Arikok National Park Visitor Center. This hike is about 3.5 miles (5.5 km) one-way. You can use a park map to navigate to the pool. The hiking trails are well-marked with signs and trail markers, but the path can be tricky to follow at times. Be prepared to walk on both rocky terrain and long sandy stretches.

Option 2: Daimari Beach Trail

Another option is to start at Daimari Beach. This trail is about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) one-way. It’s scenic but can be more rugged and less marked compared to the trail from the Visitor Center. If you choose this route, you must purchase a park pass at the Visitor Center before driving over to the beach to start the hike. If you don’t, you risk being turned away at the Natural Pool, after all the effort of hiking to it.

Option 3: Partial Drive and Hike

You can also drive into Arikok National Park and take the road as far as you can before it turns into 4×4 territory. There’s a small pull-off near the “4x4s Vehicles Only” sign where you can park and hike the remaining distance to the pool. This will save you about a mile of walking from the Visitor Center.

Best Jeep Tours to Natural Pool Aruba

Elite ABC Tour Aruba Jeep Tours

If you’re unsure of your off-roading skills or simply more comfortable going with a guide, we encourage you to join a jeep tour! Jeep tours are very popular in Aurba and are considered some of the best island adventure tours in the Caribbean! Having a guide also allows you to focus more on enjoying the moment and capturing all the Instagram-worthy photos in the park.

Aruba Off-Road Jeep Safari: Natural Pool and Beach Tour
⭐️ RATING: 5/5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH:  8 hours | 🚦 PICK UP: No | ✅ Book it!
This full-day adventure tour with ABC Tours is the highest-rated jeep tour on the island, and for good reason. You’ll traverse Aruba’s rugged terrain in a 4×4 Land Rover, covering nearly all of the island, including the Natural Pool!

National Park Arikok Jeep Safari Adventure
⭐️ RATING: 5/5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH:  4 hours | 🚦 PICK UP: Yes | ✅ Book it!
This condensed half-day tour is perfect for those pressed for time or stopping by the island from a cruise. You can choose between a morning and afternoon departure and set off to see the best of Arikok National Park, including the Natural Pool, in just a few hours.

Jeep Safari Tour to Arikok National Park with Baby Beach Snorkel
⭐️ RATING: 5/5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH:  6 hours | 🚦 PICK UP: Yes | ✅ Book it!
This extended half-day tour is perfect for travelers looking for more than a typical half-day tour without committing to a full day. You’ll get to explore both the Natural Pool and the incredible Baby Beach.

Natural Pool Aruba FAQs

Base of Steps at Natural Pool Aruba

1. Do I need a tour guide to get to the Natural Pool in Aruba?

No, you don’t need a tour guide to get to the Natural Pool, but it can be helpful, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the area. If you prefer to go on your own, you’ll need a 4×4 vehicle to navigate the rough terrain. Alternatively, you can hike to the pool, but be prepared for a challenging trek.

2. Can I visit the Natural Pool in Aruba with a regular car?

No, you’ll need a 4×4 vehicle to navigate the rough terrain leading to the Natural Pool. Alternatively, you can join a guided off-road tour or hike to the pool if you’re up for a challenge. Many tours offer free pick-up from most of Aruba’s hotels and resorts too.

3. Are ATVs banned in Arikok National Park?

As of 2024, ATVs and UTVs are banned in Arikok National Park, even with a guide. This ban was implemented due to the environmental damage and erosion caused by these vehicles. Most ATV tours now visit the Cave Pool instead.

4. Is it free to visit the Natural Pool in Aruba?

No, it’s not free to visit the Natural Pool. You need to purchase a day pass for Arikok National Park, which costs 11 USD per adult. You must buy the pass in person at the park entrance.

Friends in Aruba

5. Can I buy a pass to Arikok National Park in advance?

No, you cannot buy a day pass to Arikok National Park in advance, despite what you may read online. The only way to get a pass in advance is to prepay for a tour that includes park access.

6. Is it safe to swim in the Natural Pool in Aruba?

While the Natural Pool is generally safe, the water can swell, and currents can be strong depending on the tide and weather. Use your best judgment and avoid swimming if conditions seem dangerous. At times, a park ranger will be posted at the pool to make the decision for you.

7. How deep is the Natural Pool in Aruba?

The Natural Pool is 16 feet deep at its deepest point, but this changes with the tides. The pool is shaped like a bowl, so you’ll be able to reach the bottom when sitting at the edge, but it quickly becomes deeper as you move towards the center.

Welcome to the Natural Pool Aruba

8. Is there cliff jumping at the Aruba Natural Pool?

Cliff diving into the Natural Pool is one of the greatest things to do in Aruba! The most common cliff to jump from is at the opposite end of the entrance into the water, so you will need to swim across the pool to get to it. Once you climb the rocks, you’ll find plenty of spots to jump from, ranging from roughly 5 feet to 15 feet above the water (the height will also depend on the tides).

9. What should I bring with me to the Natural Pool in Aruba?

Pack water shoes for climbing the rocky terrain, plenty of water, sunscreen, and a hat. The sun can be intense, and the terrain is rugged. A small first aid kit is also a good idea because of the remote area (this suggestion comes from experience, we’ve cut ourselves on the rock before). And don’t forget your snorkeling gear to explore the vibrant marine life in the pool.

10. How long should I plan to spend at the Natural Pool in Aruba?

You can spend anywhere from 30 minutes to half a day at the Natural Pool. It’s a perfect spot for a refreshing swim, some snorkeling, and soaking in the natural beauty.

View of Natural Pool Aruba

11. Will I have time to visit Aruba’s Natural Pool if I’m coming from a cruise ship?

If you’re pressed for time or stopping by the island from a cruise, this Jeep Safari Tour is a great way to see Arikok National Park and the Natural Pool in just a few hours.

12. Are there any facilities at the Natural Pool in Aruba?

There are no facilities directly at the Natural Pool, so come prepared with everything you need. The rugged nature of the site is part of its charm, offering a truly natural experience.

13. Why is the Natural Pool in Aruba called “Conchi?”

The local language in Aruba is called Papiamento, and the word “Conchi” in this language translates to “bowl.” This name aptly describes the pool’s unique formation — a natural, bowl-like depression surrounded by volcanic rocks.

Is Natural Pool Aruba Worth Visiting?

Natural Pool Aruba

Yes, without a doubt, the Natural Pool in Aruba is worth the trip! The entire journey, from driving through the park to climbing into the pool, is an adventure that shouldn’t be missed if you’re visiting Aruba. As frequent visitors to the island, we’ve explored the Natural Pool multiple times and can attest to its allure. It’s unlike anything we’ve experienced before.

So, grab your swimsuit, rent a 4×4, or join a jeep tour, and set out on an unforgettable journey to one of the world’s most incredible natural wonders.

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